Secrets # 16

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******************** Superbeing Secrets ********************

Unleash Your Hidden Superpowers for Radiant Health, Vibrant 
Happiness and Peak Performance 

My Comments

1. How to Discover Your Switch to Unlimited Success in Life
© 2002 by Jack Zufelt
2. Give Your Child the Gift of Self-Esteem
© 2002 by Cassie Simmons
3. Radiant Health Corner
Flu Shot Dangers
Excess protein can cause Osteoporosis
Raw Gourmet Thanksgiving Recipes

Issue #: 16                         November 22, 2002 

© 2002 Roger Haeske, Superbeing Training

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You're going to love the valuable, direct and to the point
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packed into every issue of Superbeing Secrets. You'll
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My Comments:

Hello fellow Superbeing,

In the last issue, we had an article on, "Why
You Don't Need Self-Discipline to Succeed." There
was tremendous interest in that article and in
the ideas of Jack Zufelt. So I've decided to
publish his article that reveals the technique to
help you unleash your own Conquering Force. It
will help you discover and clarify your strongest
desires. You'll learn what you are 100% committed
to achieving in your life. 

If you're totally committed then no failure will
get to you. You'll just keep on trying new things
until you have reached your goal. I've been
working on a goal like this since 1990. Had I
been clearer on what I really wanted and believed
that I could achieve it, I would have made much
faster progress. 


In the interim, I dabbled in many things that I
liked but that I wasn't truly passionate about.
Once you find your passion and do it for a
living, you instantly retire. It doesn't seem
like your working anymore. Instead, you're on a
mission. Why work when you can play? 

Each one of us has unique talents that we can
share with the world. The key is to find that
burning desire inside of you. The desire that
unleashes a strong emotional reaction inside of
you. Then you have to figure out how to make a
living doing that or something that is somehow
related to it. 

Jack Zufelt's article will help you go beyond
your materialistic desires but to those of your
higher self. You may be amazed at what you
discover. I hope you enjoy his life changing

1. How to Discover Your Switch to Unlimited Success in Life
© 2002 by Jack Zufelt

"How Dare He Say That?" said the editor of SUCCESS magazine 
in a review of my popular tape program in the "Strategy 
For Freedom" section. You see, in my popular tape program 
I give ample evidence that goal setting, affirmations, 
motivational speakers and all of the much touted "success 
techniques" not only do NOT work they are negative and 
self-destructive to you! And SUCCESS magazine agreed so 
strongly with what I had to say they went on to feature 
me a second time.

Do you want to see the proof 
that they do NOT work?

Have you ever set a goal? Yeah, I know, of course you have. 
OK, did you write that goal down and read it frequently? 
Yep on that one too. Now this is the tough one... have you 
noticed that many, if not most, of those goals you wrote 
down never happened? Ouch, you probably never thought about 
that. (By the way -- you are not alone. Millions of other 
networkers experience this too.)

Goal setting not only does NOT work but 
it's negative and self-destructive for you.

Wow, that is definitely a radical viewpoint. 
Here’s what I mean. 

When you look at your list of goals you wrote down on a 
piece of paper and 8 out of 10 of them did NOT happen, how 
do you feel about you? 

Thousands of people in my audiences describe how they 
feel with statements like "I feel like a failure", 
"I feel bad." "I must not have what it takes." "What’s 
wrong with me?" I never hear any positive comments.

Have you ever succeeded at something that 
you did NOT write down on your goal list? 

Of course you have. Everyone has and does daily. Most of 
the things you accomplish, probably the most important 
"successes" in your life, were NEVER written down on a 
"goal list".

The goal setting gurus admit that only two or three out 
of ten of the things you write down and call goals will 
happen and they feel okay about that. Nowhere else in 
the world is a seventy or eighty percent failure rate 
acceptable (it would get you fired at almost any job) 
but it sure is acceptable in goal setting.

Do you see what I mean that goal setting not only 
does not work but is also self-destructive?

But they were so interesting! 

Have you ever listened to a motivational speaker? How long 
did you stay motivated? If it was just for a short time 
you are not alone - that is quite typical. 

When I ask my audiences all around the world that question 
I always hear things like, "Two days", "Two weeks", "til 
I got out of the parking lot", "To the end of the tape." 
Therefore the only logical conclusion is that motivational 
speakers have no lasting affect. 

"I am...", "I have..." - Yeah right!

Have you ever recited affirmations daily and even put them 
all over your house, car and desk so you can see and read 
them all the time? How many became a reality? "None", most 
people say. Simply stated, they are a waste of time.

There are SO MANY success gurus out there who claim their 
techniques will lead you out of the dry, hot desert of 
mediocrity or failure into a promised land of exciting 
success... to an oasis of bliss and happiness. The trouble 
is, techniques aren't what led them to their success and 
they won't lead you there either. 

Sorry. They promise that if you will set your goals and 
read them every day, or read this or that book or listen 
to motivational speakers, or do daily affirmations and 
visualization, or walk on hot coals, break the boards etc. 
you will achieve success. This is simply NOT the truth.

Here's an important question. 

If all these techniques and formulas actually brought 
people the superstar success they're looking for... 
why are so many people still be looking?

In my seminars and in my tape program I prove that all 
these things simply do NOT work and show you what does
work - the honest TRUTH for once.

You see, there is only one "key" to success and without 
this key, success will ALWAYS elude those seeking it. 
My main mentor said that if you know the truth it will 
set you free. Most people aren't free to achieve at the 
level possible because they do not know the truth about 
what it really takes to attain success in their lives. 

There is a God given, unstoppable power within each of 
us that, if not plugged into, will cause the promised 
oasis to be a shimmering, but NEVER attainable mirage. 

Then what does work? 

Knowing WHERE the switch inside of you to your innate, 
God given power is what DOES WORK. I call that power 
within you the Conquering Force because there is no 
obstacle that can withstand it. It can conquer them all. 

Once you know where your switch is you will automatically 
unleash your Conquering Force, which will cause you to 
be able to conquer every barrier you face. 

With the switch in it's usual "OFF position" there is 
NO goal you can set, NO book you can read, NO daily 
affirmation that will get you one nano-second closer 
to success. With it in it's full "ON position" success 
is no longer a question of "if" but "WHEN". 

So where is YOUR Switch? 

Where can you find that switch that's inside you - that's 
inside of everyone? It is only found in genuine Core 
Desires. A Core Desire is something you want so badly 
that you will do whatever it takes, become whatever 
you must, to get it... no matter what! No matter how 
difficult, scary or expensive it is. And therein lies 
an age-old problem.

Over 70 years ago Mark Twain said, "I can teach anybody 
how to get whatever they want out of life. The problem 
is that I can't find anybody who can tell me what they 
want." An old Welsh Proverb states that, "The hand 
will not reach for what the heart does not long for."

You must learn how to drill down into the "core" of 
your heart and uncover your Core Desires for they are 
the switch to that unstoppable Conquering Force that 
resides within you. 

I have a foolproof way for people to accurately identify 
their Core Desires on a scale of 1 to 100. It's the 100s 
that will happen. A 60 on the Core Desire scale will get 
you 60% of the way there. A 70 will get you 70% of the 
way the way there and so forth. The day there is a barrier 
even slightly bigger (like a 61 or 71 on the same scale) 
than your desire it will stop you permanently just as a 
dam does water.

To discover YOUR Core Desires you must pay very close 
attention to the TRUE feelings you experience as you 
ask yourself two basic questions. 

The first question gets you started (but the first answer 
people give is rarely accurate): 
"What would I like to have that I don't currently have?" 

The second question is the drill: 
"If I had that what would that give me that I don't have?" 

Keep asking yourself that after each answer until you 
hit pay dirt.

You will know you have drilled down to a Core Desire 
because it is always accompanied by an intense, sometimes 
poignant, though not always visible, emotional reaction. 
You will know it when it happens. Core Desires are the 
only reason people succeed at anything. Master this and 
you will live a life full of joy and satisfaction in all 
areas of life at the same time. 

Would you like to learn more about how to identify YOUR Core 
Desires and unleash your Conquering Force? Or find out why do 
some people achieve extraordinary success (however you define 
success) in life while others struggle for years? Discover 
the secret to their success - EVERYTHING is REVEALED in this 
Special Report for you...

Copyright 2002 by Jack Zufelt


2. Give Your Child the Gift of Self-Esteem
by Cassie Simmons

(This wonderful article is written by one of our
subscribers. She has two great websites and her
own newsletters that I highly recommend you check
out. The full article is on my website and I'll
include her contact info at the end of this 

Much has been said about the "gifted child" but
in truth every child is born with unlimited
potential. As expressed so well by Orison Marden: 

"Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers;
powers that would astonish him, that he never
dreamed of possessing; forces that would
revolutionize his life if aroused and put into

This statement can be true for your child. Not
just if he's a "gifted child" but any child.
Indeed, perhaps we should consider a "gifted
child" to be a child whose parents have gifted
him with a high self-esteem.

Children with high self-esteem are happier and
more successful. Low self-esteem is common in
children who are performing badly at school, have
behavioural problems and suffer from depression.

The Newborn
The "helpless" newborn baby actually comes into
the world well equipped with the power to get
what she wants. Not only do her cries bring her
parents running to tend to her; she also uses her
body and facial language to get what she wants.
It's no coincidence that babies learn to smile
while they are still very small - it is an
essential tool in their armoury of communication.
A baby with a disarming smile can frequently wrap
mommy or daddy round her little finger!

At this early stage, it's important to respond
to all your baby attempts at communication.
Attend to her when she cries (this does not
preclude training her gently into a stable
routine), mirror her attempts at facial
communication and reward the infant sounds she
makes by praising her and talking back to her.

The "Can-Do" Toddler
Toddlers are into everything! They are learning
so fast about the world around them and want to
explore everything, touch everything and even try
to eat many things.
It is such a crucial stage and one that is
stifled by many parents. Yes, you need to control
your child's behavior so that he doesn't hurt
himself or damage valuable property. But you also
need to give him opportunities to express this
exploratory behavior without constant criticism
and telling-offs. 

Put valuables out of reach and supply your child
with toys or household items that he can play
with safely. Try to find time to get down on the
floor and play with your toddler. Let him watch
you and imitate you. He could play on the kitchen
floor with some pots and wooden spoons while you
are cooking.

I want to emphasize up front that I believe
discipline is very important, because I don't
want you to think in any of what follows that I'm
advocating spoiling your child. Some parents call
this "allowing the child to enjoy the freedom of
youth." These parents are entitled, of course, to
raise their children however they wish. 

But if you want your child to grow into a
successful adult, you would do better by teaching
her firmly what is and isn't acceptable in
present day society. And, just as importantly,
helping her to learn self-discipline and that you
will support her in achieving anything she wants,
as long as she does so ethically. 

Discipline should be sensitive, thoughtful and
appropriate. You should strive to never lose your
temper but to discipline your child calmly and
firmly. When is discipline appropriate? When your
child's actions (or lack of them) may harm
herself or others. When is discipline not
appropriate? When it is purely for the parent's
own selfish preferences. 

(The rest of the article is at this link:


Cassie Simons is the author of 
"How to Help Your Child Succeed",
a revolutionary approach to guilt-free parenting.

Positive Parenting, Gifted Child
Visit today
for the secrets of raising successful children.


3. Radiant Health Corner

Radiant Health Corner:

*** Flu Shot Dangers ***

I just wanted to share some important
information with you in a brief letter. First, I
want to warn you about the dangers of taking flu

My grandmother took a flu shot against the
warnings of my grandfather about two weeks ago.
My grandfather is into a healthy lifestyle
including exercise and improving his nutrition.
He's read of the dangers of flu shots and so
warned her not to take it. 

She decided to take it anyway and the next day
she developed Bronchitis. She's had it now for
two weeks. She's eaten very little and can't even
speak right now. I hope she gets better soon. 

I'll refer you to an article written by Chet
Day. Each year in his nutritional newsletter, he
warns people of the dangers of taking a flu shot.
He tells you of some of the toxic ingredients in
flu shots. Ingredients that are carcinogenic and
are proven to cause autoimmune disorders. 

You can read his information by joining the
Superbeing Self-Improvement Club on Yahoo if you
aren't already a member. Read messages 54 - 56. 


Optimum Protein Levels:

I went to a wonderful talk by a Raw Foodist
Chiropractor and Nutritionist. 

He spoke about the proper PH levels in the body.
If the PH in your body is off it can lead to many
different health problems. Dr. Cousens speaks
extensively about Ph levels and how to balance
them out in his book, "Conscious Eating," which
you can find out more about with this link. It is the
third book down on that page.

Then we did saliva testing to measure our PH. He
said some very interesting things. A raw food
diet is a great way to optimize our bodies PH. He
also said that what was even more important was
our emotional state. Of course a good diet helps
you feel much more balanced emotionally and
therefore will also help keep you balanced.

He also brought up a very interesting study. I
don't remember the exact details of this study
but you'll get the point of it anyway. This study
controlled the total daily protein intake of
college students. They kept on adjusting the
protein intake to see what would happen. 

What they found is that once people reached the
level of consuming 47 grams of protein in a day
they all started leaching minerals from their
bodies to balance the PH of their blood. The main
point is that the body will do whatever it needs
to keep the blood PH at a level between 7.35 and
7.45. If the blood goes beyond these narrow
margins, your body will go into a Coma. 

In order to maintain the blood in the proper PH
range it may rob alkaline minerals like calcium
from your skeletal structure. This is why even
people taking calcium supplements still may have

If these people ate at least 47 grams of protein
in a day they were unable to stop this leaching
of minerals. Even by eating extra fruits and
vegetables or by consuming vitamin supplements.
One small serving of steak has about 47 grams of
protein in it. 

Most meat eaters would be hard pressed to keep
their protein levels below 47 grams per day.
According to Dr. Bénéat 25 grams of protein is an
ideal daily protein intake. 

If you have this constant leaching of minerals
it will lead to Osteoporosis. You can take all
the supplements you want but you still may get

The classic book, "Fit for Life," also has many
studies pointing to the dangers of excess protein
consumption. That was the initial book that
convinced me to the importance of the raw food

Please remember that you don't need to consume
lots of protein to build muscle. You can get all
the protein/amino acids you need from eating raw
fruits, vegetables nuts and seeds. To build
muscle you have to do resistance training. 

I have yet to experience a protein deficiency. I
have no problem building muscles on about 20 to
35 grams of protein per day. The only thing I
have a hard time maintaining are high levels of
fat, and that's a good thing.

Remember that if you want Radiant Health to eat
only Raw Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds. You
can get my free report on a 6-step process to
transition to a raw food diet by clicking on this

*** Thanksgiving Gourmet Raw Food Recipes ***

My friend Judy has a wonderful website
called Raw Foods News. She has posted some free
Raw Food Recipes on her website by great American
raw chefs. Read more below.

Feast on Thanksgiving Recipes from Raw Foods News


With Thanksgiving coming, we've assembled a
bunch of festive holiday recipes 
for you by great American raw chefs, recipes
that evoke warm and cozy 
feelings of Thanksgivings past, with all the

We've posted three of these on Raw Foods News,
the website, and you can get 23 more e-mailed to
you in a special $2 issue.

Don't miss out on this special offer!

We accept payments via Paypal and snail mail.

To order your copy, please visit this page:

To see the recipes on the website:

Happy holidays!

Judy (list owner)

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That's it for this issue in the Radiant Health


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*** Article Submissions ***

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Roger Haeske is the founder and author of, the site that is helping 
thousands of people from around the world to "Unleash Their
Hidden Superpowers and Unlock their Unlimited Potential for 
Peak Performance, Radiant Health and Happiness."

Roger is the original -- Superbeing Coach and author of the
Your Hidden Power eClass. This comprehensive Spiritual 
Self-Improvement Program will
transform you physically, emotionally, mentally and 
spiritually. You'll learn how to be happy without even 
trying, experience radiant health and to live the life of 
your dreams.

Email Roger at to schedule a free
half-hour telephone consultation. 

He's also the author of the revolutionary book,
Infinite Tennis: that is
turning hackers into tennis geniuses. He shows them the 
mental techniques to uncover their full athletic and 
tennis potential.

How I improved and am improving my life with these ebooks. 

How to Get a Raise without Forcing Yourself to Work Hard. 


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*** Disclaimer ***

Nothing in this newsletter is intended to constitute medical 
advice or treatment. In the the event you use this information
without your doctor's approval, you are prescribing for 
yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author 
and the publisher assume no responsibility. It is not the 
intent of the author to diagnose or prescribe. 


How to have Radiant Health and Happiness

The Lightning Speed Program

Discover Your Very Own Secret Genie

The Secret Technique for Rapid Weight Loss, Radiant Health, Super Athletic Performance, Success, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Health

How to Discover Your Switch to Unlimited Success in Life

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Efficiency Without Forcing Yourself to Work Hard

Improve Your Personal and Business Life

My Most Productive Day Ever

How to Improve Your Life by Reevaluating Your Values

Easy Changes to Improve Your Life

The Groundhog Day Technique

The Ultimate Superbeing

An Easy Way to Motivate Yourself

Can you Eat Like a Pig and Still Lose Weight?

Save Time with Magic Questions



© 2004, Roger Haeske, All rights reserved. Please contact the author if you would like to include one of these articles in your publication.

rh(at) Please just replace the (at) with the @ sign.

Superbeing Training
Roger Haeske
A-1 Riverview Dr.
South River, NJ 08882